The Big Snit
Some forty years ago I was in Winnipeg with my friend Richard Condie, sketching out a theme for the animated short he was working on, The Big Snit. I played a few notes on Richard's old tack piano, and he said: "That's it! That's it!" I didn't like the music very much, I was just fooling around, but I had to stick with it, as he would not change his mind, and I developed the idea as best I could. In those days, there was no way to "mock up" a score, a composer just wrote it out, booked some time in the studio, recorded it, and sent it off, hoping that it was received with open arms and open mind. It was. A friend recently told me that some people on the internet like to act out scenes from The Big Snit. I am not entirely surprised....there was once a whole bar in London England with a Big Snit theme.... It's good to know Richard's film is Sawing On. You can have a look here: The Big Snit Some other animations are there too. Don't hurt yourself. Patrick